Friday, January 04, 2013

Small Melanin Pigment located at the Collarette & Pupillary Zone - Rx - (risma)

Female, 39
- Uterus fibroids & ovarian cysts 
The small brown pigment located  at the border of the collarette-240', crypt- 235' at pupillary zone and linear formation at nasal section of the collarette signify as multidimensional signs. The applying iris analysis techniques of Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette, Time Risk & Embryological Iridology is recommended.
1) The small brown pigment - 240' at the border of the collarette indicates:
a) Psycho emotional relates to experience of betrayal and suppression of anger.
b) Time Risk sign - an unresolved emotional trauma happened at the aged of 20 !
2) Crypt located at pupillary zone - 235' indicates
a) Personal predisposition to blood sugar imbalance which correlate with liner collarette 

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