Monday, January 07, 2013

Sectoral Hypertrophy with Extroflession of the IPB Vs Medial Nasal Flatness - (letch ) - Lx & Rx

Sectoral hypertrophy with extroflession of the IPB at superior nasal section of the IPB - 296' to 315' signify Space Risk 7 & 8 indicates potential of thyroid dysfunction, tracheitis and whooping cough, and possible muscular tension in cervical vertebrae ( neck and shoulder)


Please take note that refer to Rx-iris, a marginal pupil flattening at 78'~ 89'- Medial Nasal Flatness  represent tendencies to breathing difficulties, thyroid gland dysfunction and muscular tension and spinal changes at Cervical Vertebrae C6-C7 and through the throughout the Thoracic Vertebrae - T1-T12. These firmly indicate that the Hypertrophy with Extroflession of the IPB at 296' to 315'-Lx-iris correlates and correspond to Rx Medial Nasal Flatness at 78' to 89' a client is predisposition to family history of thyroid imbalance,  tendencies to tracheitis or breathing difficulties and muscular tension in neck and shoulder - C1 to C7.  In addition, a thyroid lacuna attached on the border of the collarette - 90'-Rx 

This is an example of practicing Multidimensional Iridology Analysis Technique can be applied by crossing , tracing and rooting down the multiple layers or zones of an iris and matching the subtle relationships of findings with providing a client some health precaution and further medical check-up advises.  In this case, we are identified the thickness and space of the IPB with Space Risk analysis, observed a marginal flatness in pupillary structure and highlighted a genetic sign of lacuna attached on the border of the collarette ! 

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