Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Mesenchymal Weakness / Connective Tissue Weakness

Mesenchymal / Connective Tissue weakness :

Ø Iris Fibre Structure:
·       Honeycomb like surface fibre structure
·       Multiple openings in the anterior layer
Ø Characteristics:
·       The anterior iris layer displays multiple openings via signs and collarette structure
·       Multiple large lacunae and crypts are present- both on the internal & external borders of the collarette
·       The collarette structure is Distended and often erratic
Ø General Disease Tendencies:
·       Increased tendency to connective tissue diseases
·       Blood vessel weakness
·       Organ prolapsed – bladder, transverse colon, uterus
·       Collagen diseases
·       Any large lacunae in the abdominal, pelvic, uro-genital, and spinal areas should be given special attention. Check for adrenal weakness
·       Tendencies for connective tissue weakness such as hemorrhoids, hernias, and varicose veins. 
·       Vertebral column syndromes – cervical spondylosis
·       Acidosis
( Iris & Pupillary Signs, 3rd Edition, John Andrews)

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