Monday, January 21, 2013

Frontal Pupil Flattening, HPA Axis, Linear & Collarette Bridge, Radial Furrows & Closed Lacunae on the Collarette - (osg) - Rx

Female, 56
Observe the importance iris sign is illustrated on the Rx-iris : 
a)Frontal pupil flattening - 350'~5' conjunction with HPA axis - Closed lacuna- 0' & radial furrow - 180' (Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal)
b) An indentation of collarette by Radial Furrow - 20' potential compromise in limbic system with unresolved emotional issues (possible concern with betrayal issue - closed lacuna at 250'). Time Risk sign is concerned...
c) a & b signifies psycho-emotional imbalance, stress and concern with Time Risk or experienced of emotional trauma.
d) Linear - 85'~`140' & collarette bridge, a genetic tendency to blood sugar imbalance and enhanced sensitivity to stress.
e) The genetic closed lacunae at  210'  220', 250' & 280' predisposition to ovarian stress, pancreas dysfunction and family medical history of heart problem tendencies.

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