Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Frontal Indentation of the Collarette, Radial Furrows Intersects with Contraction Furrows - (zain) - Rx

You may identify an importance iris signs as below:
a) Frontal indentation of the collarette at 330'~20'
b) Multiple radial furrows intercepting with contraction furrows at 324', 332', 17' & 20'
c) Radial furrow located at 0'..
d) Indented closed lacuna at 290' of the collarette.
e) Collarette Bridge
> Suggest Time Risk markings presented at 290' & please measure the degree at the mid of the bridge !
> I would suggest the frontal indentation of the collarette conjunction with partial Cat' Ear Collarette concerns with family history of depression, postnatal depression and experience of insomnia. It also amplified by a radial furrow located at 0' with compromised of HPA axis ! ( observe the ventral section of the iris - closed lacuna attached on the collarette - 180' )
> Refer to your iris chart to interpret the multiple radial furrows located at the topographical ciliary zone. Focus on the areas interception with contraction furrows it indicates a genetic impact and major stress on the organs topography areas.

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