Tuesday, January 01, 2013

External Curvature Cat's Claw Sign & Radial Furrow at 180' - Lx - (bava)

Female, 26
The client is experiencing an emotional trauma :
- Torturing and beating by her drug addicted husband..divorced few years ago, unemployment till now.
- Complained loss of concentration, insomnia, difficult to sleep, migraines, low self-esteem and cannot focus for work...
Observe the subtle relationship of Cat's Claw IPB & Radial Furrow emanate from the edge of IPB to ciliary zone at 180'..... 

a) External curvature of Cat's Claw IPB indicates ( according to John Andrews) :
- Progesterone deficiency ratio tendency
- Tendency to Hypothalamus Progesterone Deficiency Migraine or Headaches
- Low resistance to stress with emotional imbalance
- Tendency to self-criticism 
b) A radial furrow or major ray at 180' classical view indicates an adrenal fatigue caused by an experiencing a deep unresolved emotional trauma, Embryologically relates to hypothalamus stress and possible breast problems correspond to difficult to letting go on the emotional trauma. According to Time Risk calculation, the emotional trauma happened in between the age of 23  (220') & 30 (180') ! 

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