Tuesday, October 02, 2012

The Dynamics of the Collarette - Lx

(Photo used with permission by Suren Manvelyan)

a) Squared collarette in linear formation indicates a family history of blood sugar imbalance.
b) Straw yellow pigmentation on the collarette indicates potential disturbances in kidneys, colon deficiency and  renal insufficiency.
c) Smaller orange pigments located on the border of the collarette - 57' & 260' suggests multidimensional iridology analysis; embryologically relates to blood sugar imbalance. Psycho-emotionally attributed to the issues of abundance, unresolved issue of sadness and attributed to a Time Risk signs !
d) Crypt located in embryological pupillary zone - 153' classified as embryological sign and it relates urinary bladder / prostate disturbances. Medical check-up is recommended !
e) Pupillary Zone Neuron Network- inside the pupillary zone ~ 180' indicates gastrointestinal disturbances.

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