Sunday, October 21, 2012

Lymphatic Iris Constitution / Polyglandular Type - Multidimentional Iridology Approaches - Rx

Observe the orange pigment attached on the frontal section of the pupillary zone adjacent with frontal pupil flattening and adjacent to the edge of the IPB at 0'... a multidimensional sign ! Significantly influence on a person physical, emotional and genetic levels, a distended collarette structure implied possibility of paternal DNA dominance...

We focus on finding the importance of iris signs via applying Multidimensional Iridology approaches :
1) Orange pigment located in the inner pupillary zone - 0' and adjacent to the edge of the IPB signify Embryological & Space Risk evaluation. 
    a) It indicates immunological and PNEI compromise, hypothalamus stress, headaches and insomnia, and  with a greater tendency to blood sugar imbalance that associated with emotions - unresolved issues of betrayal, fear and resentment.
    b) Time Risk sign ( orange pigment located on the border of the collarette and inside the pupillary zone- 0') - Birth Trauma sign ! - it may indicates:
         - A birth trauma for a person - either premature birth or late delivery ( male & female)
         - May relate the birth trauma of her own children ( if  the patient is female)
         - Possible a history of abortion ( if the patient is female)
         - If the patient is male and did not encounter a birth trauma then the possible condition of separation from his mother as a small infant is considered  !
2) Frontal pupillary flatenning - 5'~20' it amplified the above physical, emotional and genetic condition - tendency to headaches, migraines, upper cervical vertebral tension, insomnia, fatigue and possible of Bipolar Depression
3) Stress Axis formation - Hypothalamus+Pituitary+Adrenal ! - The frontal flatness amplified the dysfunction or compromise the endocrine glands - HPA and tendency to cause Prolactin imbalances !
4) Orange pigment co-sign with closed lacuna at 260' ! - Tendency to incur cardiovascular  stress. The orange granulation pigment are amplified the condition of heart disease.
5) Tiny orange pigment located nearest to the closed lacuna attached on the border of the collarette - 200' , it smaller size carry a significant impact on the topographical areas ! It indicates a possible problem in appendix or cervix stress ( if  this iris is belong to female)
6) Marginal double collarette at 325'~330', check for the adjacent topographical organs ! -  It may cause a compromise in the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis or HPA axis and emotional bowel- the marginal double collarette was adjacent to the topographical area of Medulla Oblongata. According to John Andrews, Medulla Oblongata is linked from the time of conception and embryological development with the instinct of "Survival". Take note that the orange pigment was located inside the inner pupillary zone at 0' as an embryological sign which also indicates a stress in medulla oblongata, physically relates to asthma problem.

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