Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Lymphatic Constitution Dispositions by Polyglandular - Lx

(Photo used with permission by Suren Manvelyan)

Preliminary Assessment -
a) Subtype by Strcuture - Polyglandular weakness type - Genetic weakness tendencies to blood sugar imbalance, adrenal, prostate and pituitary. Diesease generally originates from the endocrine system.
b) Hydregenoid Diathesis - Lymphatic Rosary / Brushfield's Spots - Genetic markings, generellay indicates lymphatic congesation, skin disorder, breast problems and kidney deficiency.
c) White Stomach/Pupillary Ring concrns with gastrointestinal disturbances.
d) Distended Collarette - stomach disturbances, tendency to have floating, flatulence (stomach winds) and poor assimilation of nutrients
e) Observe the orange pigments co-sign with closed lacunae which attached on the border of the collarette - 136', 165', 203', 265', 310' & 340' indicates of conflict and reactive conditions.  In addition, an important sign need to be highlighted for those pigment located nearest to the pupillary zone ! Example - closed lacuna co-sign with orange pigment at 265' indicates predisposition to thyroid deficiency, blood sugar imbalance, psycho-emotionally relates to unresolved issues of sadness and possible experienced a traumatic events at 15.8 !

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