Sunday, October 14, 2012

Hypertrophic, Linear, Yellow Pigmented, Bridge & Double Collarette - Progesterone Collarette - Rx

(Photo used with permission by Suren Manvelyan)

A collarette structures with combination of hypertrophy, linear, yellow pigmented and bridge indicates a tendency to progesterone secretions deficiency .
a) Bridge collarette - 60' relates blood sugar imbalance and an importance of Time Risk sign !! Check for trauma/ stress events happened at the degree of 60' !
b) Linear collarette - 80'~115'
c) Yellow pigmented collarette - indicates renal deficiency
d) General hyperplastic of the collarette structure indicates overacidity in the digestive system, food intolerance and allergies.
e) Sectoral Double collarette located at the heart reflexive areas indicates possible of heart problems and IBS condition.
f) Observe the lacunae attached on the border of the collarette - 20', 60', 215', 230', 249', 260', 292', 310' & 340' indicates endocrine and glandular system insufficiency.

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