Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Classical, Embryological, Time Risk & The Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette - Rx

(Photo used with permission by Suren Manvelyan)

a) Observe the internal lacunae and radial furrows at inner pupillary zone- 222', 245', 285', 325', 330' & 350' concerns with embryological signs
b) Orange pigments - 50' & 210' on the collarette, suggests an analysis of the Time Risk and Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette !
c) Classical signs - 100', 270', 280' & 290'  
d) Identify the importance correlation signs located in different layers of the iris :
- Embryological sign - 285' correlate with classical sign - 100'
- Embryological sign - 330' correlate with classical sign - 280'
- Orange pigmentation correlate with classical sign - 290'
d) Constricted with Zig-Zag collarette formation.
e) General orange pigmentation indicates blood sugar imbalance and liver stress involvement. 
f) Lymphatic Iris Constitution with Anxiety Tetanic Disposition & Hydrogenoid Diathesis

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