Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Dynamics of the Collarette - Hypertrophy, Moderate Flattened, Linear & Bridge - Rx

a) Hypertrophy of the Collarette, according to John Andrews it indicates :
- nervous irritability
- congestion of intestinal lymph nodes
- compromise of the immune system and disturbances in calcium metabolism
- Systemic Lupus tendencies
b) Major rays / radial furrows at 10', 60' & 355' apply multidimensional iridology approach - Embryological, Classical, Time Risk and Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette.
c) Moderate flattened of the collarette co-sign with radial furrow - 10'~40' consider the adjacent topographies organs for that areas.
d) Collarette Bridge - 125' correlation with embryological & classical sign at 60' ( radial furrow) and Linear Collarette at 72'~95' suggest family history of blood sugar imbalance.

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