Friday, September 21, 2012

Pupil Flattening, Extroflession & IPB Morphologies, Stress Axis, Embryological Signs, Radial Furrows, Partial Hypertrophy with Zig-Zag Collarette at Ventral Section & Collarette Bridge - Rx - (kuna)

a) M sign IPB indicates blood sugar imbalance, dysglycaemia tendency.
b) Squared IPB concerns with thyroid dysfunction, genetic family history of hypothyroidism.
c) Buttonhole IPB tendency to accumulative of uric acid - possibility of gout or osteoarthritis.
d) Extroflession of the IPB - 293' as Space Risk 9 relate to heart disease.
e) Lateral Temporal flatness - 260'~290' indicates predisposition to circulatory problem, asthma, emotional heart problem correlate with Space Risk 9.
f) Embryological signs / crypts at inner pupillary zone - 215' & 230' indicative of testicular stress and pancreas dysfunction correlate with M sign IPB.
g) Embryological sign / radial furrow - 13' nearest to the edge of the IPB indicate bronchitis problem correlate with lateral temporal flatness.
h) Stress Axis - Radial Furrows - 0' & 180' classical topographical locations - Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal glands indicates of poor adaptation to stress, anxiety, depression and sleep disorder problems.
i) Radial Furrows & lacuna - 33',170' & 184' classical topographical areas - relates to sinusitis problem & kidneys insufficiency.
j) Collarette Bridge relates to blood sugar imbalance, progesterone deficiency and autoimmunity problems.
k) Collarette in partial hypertrophy and Zig-Zag formation at the ventral location indicates problems in extremities areas - sigmoid colon, rectum, anus and ileo-valve, possibility to cold feet and leg cramps.

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