Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mixed Biliary Constitution in Multidimensional Iridology Approach - Rx

1) Observe the differentiate iris signs (yellow & white arrows) located inside and outside of the collarette indicates different levels of analysis :
- Endorinology & Immunology
- Embryology
- Time Risk
- Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette
- Classical (Ciliary zone to limbus )

2) Biliary Iris Constitution :
- Central Heterochormia - Brown & Orange pigmentation - Liver, Gall Bladder & Pancreas involvement
- Contricted collarette
- Lipemic Diathesis

3) The intercepting force of Radial & Contraction Furrows - 315', 355', 110', 135' & 170'

4) Observe the importance signs - 272', 285' & 290' indicates cardiovascular stress and pancreas dysfunction.

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