Thursday, September 06, 2012

IPB & Brown Pigments located at Inner Pupillary Zone - Rx - (vai)

Male, 51
Brown pigments relates to liver stress involvement.

Observe the melanin pigment located inside the pupillary zone with adjacent to inner pupillary border, you may apply Multidimensional Iridology to identify this important iris sign... embryologically relates to hypothalamus and amygdala stress ( relates to emotional imbalance - feeling of stress, nervous, fear, anxiety, depression and possible immune system dysfunction)

Brown pigment closer to the IPB and located in the range of 225'~230'...classical & multidimensional approach..potential of indigestion problem, vitamin and mineral deficiences

The brown pigment located nearest to the edge of the IPB and a distance from the edge of collarette - 115', in term of classical approach relates to a stress in stomach digestion.

Extroflession of the IPB - 80' suggest Space Risk analysis...Space Risk 11 indicates predisposition to ball bladder deficiency.

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