Friday, September 28, 2012

IPB Morphologies - Lx - (julin)

a) Suggest Double IPB with target sign at the lateral temporal section of the inner pupillary border.
b) Suggest S- sign IPB.
c) Extroflession of the IPB with External Cat's Claw formation. Space Risk analysis is recommended.

Mammilations in Haematogenic Constitution

Mammilations -
a) Macrophages in Iridology.
b) Indicate macrophage activity within the intestines and circulation of blood and lymph.
c) A stimulation of the immune system.
d) Blood sugar imbalance - Diabetes.
e) Autoimmune condition - RA.
(John Andrews, Iris & Pupillary Signs, 3rd Edition)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Classical, Embryological, Time Risk & The Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette - Lx -(caro)

a) Observe the classical and embryological signs located inside and outside of the pupillary zone / collarette and compare with Rx findings.
- Lacunae at 75' & 90' attached to the border of the collarette indicates family history of cardiovascular risk.
- Lacuna at 150' and 170' indicates to ovarian and kidney deficiency.
- Lacuna at 210' correlate with embryological sign - 170' possibility of uterus fibroid.
- Lacuna at 290' correlate with embryological sign - 298' predisposition to blood sugar imbalance in family history.
b) A solitary melanin pigment at 275'  indicate an important sign for Time Risk and The Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette evaluation.
- Brown pigment relate to liver stress.
- Psycho-emotionally relate to grief issues. 

Solitary Lacuna, Pigment & Embryological signs - Rx - (caro)

a) Observe the solitary closed lacuna - 215' attached to the border of the collarette correspond to the crypts - 215' in the embryology pupillary zone indicates ovary stress possibility of  polycystic ovarian syndrome. Crypt - 205' potential stress in urinary bladder.
b) Solitary tiny melanin pigment attached to the border of the collarette - 225' nearest to or correspond with 215' indicate a significant genetic impact on physical and emotional level. Analysis of Time Risk & Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette is recommended ! Potential traumatic events or unresolved emotional issues of bitterness occurred during at the age of 24.5

Monday, September 24, 2012

Squared & Sectoral Absence of the Collarette - Lx - (nook)

Observe and identify the correlations in different layer of iris signs -
a) Observe the embryological sign - 150' correlations with radial furrow - 210' and embryological sign - 210'-Rx.
b) Sectoral absence of the collarette - 265'~325'-Lx & 35'~125'-Rx take note the adjacent topographies organs - heart, pancreas and lung.
c) Squared Collarette relates to blood sugar imbalance, tendency to diabetes.
d) Identify the lacunae - 85', 282' & 293' correlates with Medial Nasal Flatness - 85'~110'-Rx.
e) Lacuna - 235' located at liver (posterior )  reflex zone. Does it indicate  predisposition to liver stress ? can it genetically manufacture a lacuna and reflected under modern iridological approach.

Pupil Flattening, Embryological Signs, Sectoral Absence of the Collarette & Brown Pigment - Rx - (nook)

Observe the iris signs which located inside and outside of the collarette -
a) Embryological sign / crypt - 315' correlate with melanin pigment - 180'.
b) Sectoral absence of the collarette - 35'~125' consider in emotional level.
c) Embryological signs / crypts - 210' & 215'.
d) Medial nasal flatness - 85'~110' consider analyse in physical and emotional levels.
e) Melanin pigment located at kidney reflex areas.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Localised Hypertrophy of IPB / Neurolappen - Space Risk & Spinal Nerve Sign - Rx- (jamal)

Observe the Partial Atrophy and localised Hypertrophy of the IPB / Neurolappen at the superior temporal section of the IPB structure - 315' & 320' suggests identify the IPB's Morphology, Space Risk and possibility the area of  Spinal Nerve injury.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Pupil Flattening, Extroflession & IPB Morphologies, Stress Axis, Embryological Signs, Radial Furrows, Partial Hypertrophy with Zig-Zag Collarette at Ventral Section & Collarette Bridge - Rx - (kuna)

a) M sign IPB indicates blood sugar imbalance, dysglycaemia tendency.
b) Squared IPB concerns with thyroid dysfunction, genetic family history of hypothyroidism.
c) Buttonhole IPB tendency to accumulative of uric acid - possibility of gout or osteoarthritis.
d) Extroflession of the IPB - 293' as Space Risk 9 relate to heart disease.
e) Lateral Temporal flatness - 260'~290' indicates predisposition to circulatory problem, asthma, emotional heart problem correlate with Space Risk 9.
f) Embryological signs / crypts at inner pupillary zone - 215' & 230' indicative of testicular stress and pancreas dysfunction correlate with M sign IPB.
g) Embryological sign / radial furrow - 13' nearest to the edge of the IPB indicate bronchitis problem correlate with lateral temporal flatness.
h) Stress Axis - Radial Furrows - 0' & 180' classical topographical locations - Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal glands indicates of poor adaptation to stress, anxiety, depression and sleep disorder problems.
i) Radial Furrows & lacuna - 33',170' & 184' classical topographical areas - relates to sinusitis problem & kidneys insufficiency.
j) Collarette Bridge relates to blood sugar imbalance, progesterone deficiency and autoimmunity problems.
k) Collarette in partial hypertrophy and Zig-Zag formation at the ventral location indicates problems in extremities areas - sigmoid colon, rectum, anus and ileo-valve, possibility to cold feet and leg cramps.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Medical Palmistry - Gastrointestinal & Bronchus - Rx & Lx - (kneoh)

a) 1-R line extend to the mid-point f2-f3 indicates gastrointestinal disturbances.
b) Obstacle lines at line 1 indicates bronchitis problem.

Classical Approach - Lacunae & Radial Furrows - Ciliary Zone to Limbus - Lx - (akbar)

Observe the multiple of lacunae and minor rays / radial furrows located at the ventral section of ciliary zone

Classical & Embryological Signs - Rx - (akbar)

a) Observe the classical topographies signs - 85' & 250' correlations with embryological pupillary zone of 280' & 60' -
      - 85' (classical) & 280' (embryological) indicates family history of thyroid imbalance.
      - 250' (classical) & 60' (embryological) predisposition to blood sugar imbalance.
b) Linear collarette - 214'~248' correlation with blood sugar intolerance.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Classical & Embryological Signs - Lx - (abdul)

1) Observe the classical sign / crypt attached to the external border of the collarette - 54' correlate with the embryological sign / crypt at inner pupillary zone - 233' - Family history of blood sugar imbalance
2) Pupil flattening at 56'~80' (C7~T4) is highlighted.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pupil Tonus : Pupil Flattenings - Lx - (amir) - b

a) Frontal Flatness - 350'~10'
b) Superior Temporal Flatness - 50'~70'

Frontal Hypertrophic Structure, Space Risk, IPB Spinal & IPB Morphologies - Lx - (amir) - a

a) Localised hypertrophy of the IPB - 0'~20' suggests Space Risk and IPB Spinal analysis.
b) Squared shaped IPB with Neurolappen / localised Hypeytrophy formation suggests predisposition to blood sugar imbalance and pontential neuromuscular stress in spinal areas.
c) V shaped IPB.

Frontal Hypertrophic & Localised Hypertrophy of the IPB - Space Risk & IPB Spinal Evaluation - Rx - (amir)

- Headache
- Insomnia
- Migraines

Observe the localised hypertrophy of IPB at 350' ~0' suggests Space Risk 2 & 1 indicates a client  is having headache, migraines, sleep disorder and possibility of  paranasal sinusitis problems.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Lacunae at the border of the collarette - Rx & Lx - (psh)

Male, 54
- Polycystic Kidney
a) Lacunae attached to the border of the collarette - 218', 238', 275' & 280' - Rx, 170' & 175' - Lx indicates hormonal and endocrine imbalance.
b) Observe the importance signs of 180'-Rx & 170', 175'-Lx confirmed with polycystic kidney disease. Potential of cardiovascular stress at 280'.
c) Predisposition to family history of blood sugar imbalance - 238'