Saturday, August 04, 2012

Inner Pupillary Border, Pupil Tonus, Inner Pupillary Zone & Border of the Collarette in Multidimensional Iridology Approach - Rx - (rani)

Female, 52
-Diabetes : 12.3
-Right shoulder & arm felt spams and rigidity
-Headache, Migraine.
-Ovarian removed.

1) IPB Morphologies :

a) Linear IPB - rigidity in movement and muscle due to high in uric acid.

b) Local absence of the IPB - 275' - Space Risk 10 relates to lung deficiency.

c) Extroflession of the IPB - 270' & 276' - Space Risk 12 & 11 relates to liver and gall bladder.
2) Pupil Flattening :

Frontal Flattening - 340'~3' indicates have a tendency for headaches, migraines, insomnia, fatigue or depression. Possible stress in endocrine glands - hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal gland.
3) Inner Pupillary Zone & Border of the Collarette :

a) Crypt at inner pupillary zone - 0' concerns with hypothalamus stress.
b) Linear collarette - 285'~325' relates to blood sugar imbalance.

a) Crypt / small lacuna attached on the outside border of the collarette - 200' & 220' relates to cervical stress and ovarian dysfunction...

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