Monday, May 07, 2012

Pupillary Flattenings - Physical & Emotional Approach - Lx - (thev)

Multiple pupillary flattenings in pysical & emotional approach :

a) Lateral Temporal Flatness - Tendencies to circulatory problem, asthma, emotional heart problem. Psycho-emotional relates need to cultivate warmth in communication and expression.
b) Inferior Temporal Flatness - Indicates possibly neck and shoulder tension, medical checking for liver, gall bladder, pancreas ( blood sugar ) and spleen. Psycho-emotional may pay attention to betrayal issues, self-limitation, defensiveness and emotional sensitivity.
c) Superior Nasal Flatness - Indicates neuromuscular tension at C3~C7, visual disturbances ans sinusitis. Emotionally relates to hypersensitivity.

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