Thursday, May 03, 2012

IPB Morphologies, Space Risk & Pupillary Flattenings - Lx - (sitih)

a) Triangle Shaped IPB.
b) IPB thickness or micron less than 50, not classified as local absence of IPB.
c) Local absence of IPB - 283', suggest Space Risk evaluation - Space Risk 10 correspond to Lateral Temporal Flatness.
d) Globular sign.
e) Frontal Flattening - 10'~30'
f) Lateral Temporal Flatness - 75'~88'
g) An indented closed lacuna - 123' suggests embryological and classical consideration. The embryological sign relates to liver stress involvement, possible fatty liver - cornea arcus at limbus and correspond to Triangle IPB with potential of intestinal dybiosis caused by liver degeneration. Classical approach relates to family history of blood sugar imbalance
h) Embryological sign - 180' indicates prediposition to breast problem.
i) Defect marking co-sign with radial furrow attached on the border of the collarette and ciliary zone - 195' indicates possible of cervix stress and kidneys deficiency.

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