Thursday, April 05, 2012

"Inside-Out" - Micro View in Multidimensional Approach - Lx - (nook)

Observe the multiple IPB morphologies and local absence of the IPB...

a, f & i) Squared IPB.
b) Local absence of the IPB - 95' suggest Space Risk 13, indicate gastrointestinal disturbances, gastric ulcers tendency. ( correlate with local absence of the IPB- 264' - Rx & Pearl sign IPB).
c) Buttonhole IPB correlate with hypertrophy of the collarette - intestinal dybiosis or intestinal functional compromises.
d) V-Shaped IPB.
e) W sign IPB.
g) Palisade Fenceposts located nasally along the IPB indicates :
- Intestinal changes related to malabsorption. ( interconnected with sectoral absence of the collarette - 250'~320'-Lx, 33'~68' & 338'~357')
- Cardiac disturbances tendency.
- Asthma and bronchitis tendency.
h) Embryological signs - 70', 145' & 238' signify spleen deficiency, kidneys insufficiency and blood sugar imbalance.
i) Collarette Bridge - 70' indicates :
- Family history of blood sugar imbalance ( correspond to embryological sign - 238' & Linear collarette - 70'!~133').
- Autoimmunity tendency ( correspond to hypertrophy of the collarette - Rx & Lx)
- Leaky Gut Syndrome ( correspond to multiple sectional/ local absence of the collarette - Rx & Lx)
- Progesterone deficiency.
j) Linear collarette - 70'~133' indicates :
- Hyperinsulinaemia tendency.
- Predisposition to blood sugar imbalance, Type 2 Diabetes.
k) Sectional absence of the collarette - 250'~320'
l) Classical signs :
- Closed lacunae located at the lung reflex zone, possibly of lung deficiency ( correspond to Palisade Fenceposts IPB).
- Closed lacuna attached on the border of the collarette - 230' indicates pancreas dysfunction, blood sugar imbalance ( correlation with bridge and linear collarette! )
- Radial furrow - 200' indicate kidneys insufficiency ( correspond to embryological sign - 238'! )
- Multiple tiny melanin/ brown pigments signify liver disturbances ( correspond to embryological sign - 312'-Rx )
- Closed lacuna attached on the border of the collarette - 275' indicate thyroid dysfunction, possibly family history of hypothyroidism ( correlation with Squared IPB ! )
- Closed lacuna located in the bronchial reflex zone, potential of bronchitis problem ( amplify by Palisade Fenceposts IPB ! )
m) Frontal Sectoral Heterochromia with brown pigmentation at the frontal section of the iris / cerebral area - 25'~340' indicates :
- Genetic marking due to birth defects.
- Malabsorption of vital minerals
- Liver stress involvement, possibly with reactive anger and resentment.
- Emotionally sensitivity and mood swings.

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