Monday, April 16, 2012

Haematogenic - Predisposition to B1, Neurogenic Type & Lipemic Diathesis

What can we "see" under this constitution types of  a person genetic inheritance weaknesses ? In her iris, seem like nothing to look for accept the cholesterol ring around the limbus and a few radial furrows cutting through the frontal of the collarette....What about if we apply Modern Multidimensional Iridology, the view and approach in term of analysing the iris is broaden and dynamics !

1) Observe the IPB diameter, shape and structure - Local absence of the IPB - 184' - Space Risk analysis !
2) Pupillary Flattenings - Superrior Temporal Nasal - 45'~80' & Inferior Temporal Flatness - 225'~250' - Spinal, Physical & Emotional approach !
3) Signs in inner pupillary zone - radial furrows/major rays in the case - Embryological & Classical analysis -
a) Tiny melanin pigment - 312' - Embryological sign !
b) Major Ray - 0' - Time Risk marking  & Embryological sign !
c) Major Ray - 28' - Classical & Embryological sign !
4) The Collarette structure - Constricted Collarette relates to paternal family history (Lx - Female)!

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