Monday, March 26, 2012

IPB Morphologies/Extroflession of the IPB/Cloased Lacuna attached on the border of the collarette - Lx - (raje)

Observe the extroflession of the IPB - 304' correspond to the IPB shaped at 318' - C

a)Observe local absence of the IPB - 357' suggest Space Risk 1.
b) Squared sign of the IPB - 318' correspond to an extroflession of the IPB - 304' suggest Space Risk 7 indicate a family history of thyroid imbalance, hyper/hypothyroidism tendency.
c) An extroflession of the IPB / an indentation of the IPB to inner pupillary zone - 242' manifest Space Risk 17 indicates kidneys insufficiency.
d) Embryological and classical sign - 75' indicates adrenal fatigue and cardiac stress ( correspond to Space Risk 9 and closed lacuna - 257'-Rx
e) Classical closed lacunae attached on the border of the collarette - ventral and nasal section :
- Crypts attached on the ventral section of the collarette - 138', 145', 160', 175' and 195' indicates ovarian cysts tendency,possibly cervical stress and adrenal fatigue with kidneys disturbances correspond to Space Risk 17.
f) Closed lacuna located at the kidneys reflex zone - 190' correlation with Space Risk 17.
g) Closed lacuna and crypts at nasal section of the collarette - 230' indicates blood sugar imbalance.
h) Embryological signs - 240' concern with pancreas dysfunction, diagnosed with Diabetes.
i) A moderate force of indentation of the collarette - 265' concern with thyroid imbalance which corresponded to Squared IPB and Space Risk 7 !

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