Friday, March 23, 2012

IPB Morphologies, Space Risk & Pupillary Flattenings - Rx & Lx - (sara)

Observe the multiple shaped of the IPB structures, local absence of the IPB and various flatennings of the pupil.. Look for the correlation and  interrelationship of the morphologies, space risk and the pupil flatennings in this case study...

a) External Cat's Claw sign of IPB correlation with Space Risk 21 - Emphasis on varicose vein disturbances.
b) Local absence of the IPB - 142' suggest Space Risk 21 indicates muscle cramps and varicosities.
c) Double IPB correlation with Cylindrical IPB - Nervous, tension and anxiety. 
d) Cylindrical sign of IPB.
e) Local absence of the IPB - 295' (actual was 293'~294') suggest Space Risk 9 indicates cardiac disturbances correspond to Cylindrical IPB.
f) Medial Nasal Flatness - 85'~110' indicates :

- Tendency to breathing difficulties, thyroid gland imbalance.
- Muscular tension in C6~C7 and T1~T7.
g) Lateral Temporal Flatness - 245'~265' indicates :
- Circulatory problem, nervous breathing, asthma.
- Emotional heart problem ( correlation with Space Risk 9 and cylindrical IPB) and breast problem tendency.
h) Superior Temporal Flatness - 300'~325' indicates :
- Hearing and balance problem - vertigo and tinnitus.
- Muscular tension in neck and shoulder.

- Sinus problem
- Constipation
- Back pain

Observe the physical signs and radial furrows in the ciliary zone and the sharp indentation of the collarette closer and adjacent to the IPB indicate an extensive physical and psycho-emotional. You may use the analysed results of IPB morphologies, space risk and pupillary flattenings cross checking with the classical findings (closed lacunae, crypts and radial furrows) in ciliary zone...

a) Frontal cerebral areas of the iris :
- Closed lacuna co-sign with minor ray - 310' relate to carotid artery problem.
- Closed lacuna co-sign with minor ray - 330'  relates to breathing problem and survival issues correlation with medial nasal flatness - 85'~110'.
- Discontinued Major ray co-sign with crypt - 352'  indicates stress in pituitary gland and corpus callosum.
- Major ray co-sign with crypt - 12'  indicates limbic system compromised.
- Discontinued major ray co-sign with closed lacunae - 31' indicate frontal sinusitis.
b) Nasal section of the iris :
- Major ray - 57' relate to tonsillitis problem.
c) Ventral section of the iris :
- Minor ray - 150' tendency in uterus disturbances.
- Major ray - 232' blood sugar imbalance tendency.
d) Temporal section of the iris :
- Closed lacuna located in the ciliary zone - 282' & 265'indicate lung stress correspond to medial nasal and lateral temporal flatness.
e) An indentation of the collarette closer and adjacent to the edge of IPB - 299' signify blood sugar imbalance, pancreas dysfunction. Psycho-emotional concern with hormany issues.


a) Local absence of the IPB - 260' - Space Risk 14 indicates pancreas dysfunction ( correspond to the indentation of the collarette - 299'-Rx) blood sugar imbalance and duodenal disturbances.
b) Extroflession of the IPB - 332' - Space Risk 4 concerns with ENT, nasal polyps, rhinitis and hearing problems correspond to superior temporal flatness.
c) Inferior Nasal Flatness -230'~260' indicates predisposition to and history of sacral, lumbar and coccyx injuries.

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