Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Exploration of Multidimensional Iridology - Space Risk/ Neuromuscular Spinal / IPB Morphologies / Pupil Dynamics / Embryological & Physical Approach

Look beyond on what you can observe in this iris-Rx

- Thyroid dysfunction
- Diabetes / Hyperglycemia - 18mmol/L

General partial atrophy with normal,atrophy,hypotrophic and hypertrophic of the IPB structure.
  1) Atrophy - IPB diameter less than 50 micron - e.g. 145'~162' & 245'~255'.
  2) Sectional absence - IPB diameter is 0 micron - 255'~280' suggest neuromuscular tension at the spinal area of thoracic vertebrae (T1 to T12)
  3) Sectional hypertrophy at the frontal section - IPB diameter/ thickness more than 280 micron - 330'~15'.
a) &b) Squared IPB located in the frontal IPB indicate family medical history of thyroid dysfunction, hyper/hypothyroidism tendency.
c) & e) Globular sign of the IPB indicates dybiosis, mental fatigue leading to depression and gastric ulcers tendency.
d) An indentation / introflession of the IPB - 53' & 328' suggests Space Risk & Neuromuscular Spinal analysis :
  1) Space Risk 7 - 53' indicate thyroid dysfunction, hyper/hypothyroidism tendency, correspond to squared IPB at the frontal of the IPB. Neuromuscular tension at cervical vertebrae (C1 to C7)
  2) Space Risk 4 - 328' indicate hearing and rhinitis disturbances, ENT related problems. Neuromuscular stress in spinal of cervical vertebrae area (C1 to C7)
e) Local hypertrophy at the frontal section of the IPB - 350'~ 360'/0' signify potential of hypothalamus stress and indicate Space Risk 1 evaluation. The Diabetes Mellitus and thyroid dysfunction linked to the hypothalamus dysfunction. Space Risk 1 refer to migraines, vertigo and insomnia tendencies.
f) Medial Nasal Flatness - 66'~82' indicates tendencies to breathing difficulties, thyroid gland dysfunction (correspond to Space Risk 7 & Squared IPB), muscular tension at C6~C7 ( correspond to introflession of the IPB - 53' & 328') and throughout the thoracic vertebrae from T1 to T7 ( correspond to sectional absence of the IPB - 255'~280').
g) Crypts / defect markings / embryological signs located inside the pupillary zone : 
  1) Crypt close to the edge of the IPB - 163' signify spleen deficiency.
  2) Crypt located internal border of the collarette - 183' indicate kidney insufficiency.
  3) Defect marking located inside border of the pupillary zone - 190' suggest uterus disturbances.
  4) Crypt located nearest to the edge of the IPB - 202' relate stress in appendix.
  5)Internal closed lacuna located inside the pupillary zone - 220' signify duodenum disturbances.
h) Multiple crypts / defect markings of "degeneration" ( observe the illustration-b which yellow arrows is highlighted on the crypts  in deep degeneration formation of the iris stroma - green patches inside the crypt / black patches in illustration-a ) formation in the reflexive areas of jejunum, appendix, caecum and duodenum - 140', 155', 163', 183', 190', 202' & 220', in classical / physical view indicates gastrointestinal disturbances, intestinal dysbiosis tendencies which correspond to Globular sign of the IPB & embryological sign at 202' & 220' indicate appendix and duodenum insufficiency. 

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