Friday, March 09, 2012

Constricted, Hypertrophy, Linear, Local Absence & Indentation of the Collarette / Multiple Radial Furrows / Solitary Melanin Pigment - (bkf) - Rx - 2

General hypertrophy with constricted collarette formation. Psycho-emotional relates to poor self-esteem, introversion, emotional sensitivity, unresolved anger and resentment, feeling of insecurity, fear of "letting go" and depression tendency.
a) Local absence of the collarette at 288'~308' adjacent to the topographical areas of pancreas indicate blood sugar imbalance tendency correspond to the linear collarette at 82'~120' and embryological sign / internal crypt at 240'.
b) Observe the multiple radial furrows / minor rays emanating from the external border of the collarette to the ciliary zone and limbus :
  1) 330' - Medulla oblongata, according to John Andrews, "it is linked from the time of conception and embryological development with the instinct of  survival affecting the PNEI"
  2) 350' - relate to pineal gland stress.
  3) 5' - relate to hypothalamus stress.
  4) 75', 102', 125' & 160' - please refer to John Andrews " Modern Iridology Chart" for further analysis..
c) Local indentation of the collarette - 245' suggests Physical, Emotional , Time Risk evaluation & Immune Cell & PNEI :
  1) Classical approach in pancreas dysfunction.
  2) Psycho-emotional concern with issue of betrayal
  3) Traumatic event at 19.
  4) Immune Cell & PNEI concern with T-Cells
d) Solitary tiny melanin pigment located inside border of the pupillary zone with minor ray - 173' suggests :
  1) Adrenal gland fatigue.
  2) Problem with self-esteem.

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