Saturday, March 17, 2012

Buttonhole, Neurolappen, Extroflession & Multiple local absence of the IPB - Lx - (act)

a) Buttonhole shaped of the IPB.
b) Local absence of the IPB - 178'~188', 298' & 343' represents Space Risk 26, 25, 8 & 3 indicates potential of hemorrhoids, sigmoid diverticulosis, hip problem and joint pain, acute tracheitis, whooping cough and psoriasis.
c) Extroflession of the IPB - 280' represent Space Risk 11 indicate gall bladder deficiency.
d) Extroflession with neurolappen of the IPB - 287' represent Space Risk 10 signify lungs defeciency, family history of bronchitis ( correlation with Buttonhole IPB, embryological sign (major ray) - 23', minor ray - 85'- lung reflex zone and medial nasal flatness - 90'~120').
e) Neurolappen of the IPB - 314' represent Space Risk 6 signify muscular tension in neck and shoulder ( correspond to extroflession of the IPB-48', Space Risk 6 - Rx). Psycho-emotional relates to nervous tension, anxiety and depression tendency.
f) The local absence of the IPB - 178'~188', 298' & 343' and Neurolappen of the IPB - 287' & 314' indicates neuromuscular tension in the spinal areas of  coccyx, thoracic and cervical vertebrae.

1) Observe the radial furrow perpendicular to 23' & 210' adjacent to cerebellum and prostate reflexive zone.
2) Embryological signs at 70' & 130' indicates spleen deficiency ( correspond to embryological sign-major ray-172'-Rx) and liver stress involvement ( correspond to Space Risk 12 - 90'-Rx).
3) Observe the sectional hypertrophy of the collarette - 153'~253' adjacent to the reflexive organs - kidneys, prostate and pancreas is highlighted.

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