Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Radial Furows in Multidimensional Approach - (siti)- Part 2


a) Minor rays/radials radiate from the edge of the IPB to the border of the collarette at 0' and 10' relates to embryological  signs as hypothalamus stress and bronchitis problem.
b) Major rays concentrate at the frontal cerebral zone - 353', 20' & 37' , 60' & 80' - temporal section and 130', 150', 162' and 180' at ventral section of the ciliary zone indicates
- Time Risk, Embryological and The Emotional Dynamics of the collarette evaluation.
- Cerebral weakness, headache, migraines, loss of concentration, vertigo and restriction in hormonal and blood circulation.
- Vaccination stress reaction.
- Tendency to diminished nerve supply in digestive system and reflexive organs and glands.
- Radial furrow intersect with contraction furrow at the reflexive lung areas indicate lung stress.
- Limbic system compromise at 0' (minor ray radiate from inside to the border of the collarette) with unresolved and suppressed emotional issues.
- Hypothalamus compromise is highlighted in major ray at 180'.
- Major rays in classical approach at 353', 20', 37', 60' & 80' indicates pituitary stress, limbic system compromise, frontal sinusitis, tonsillitis and bronchitis tendency.
c) Time Risk signs may refer to the gestation of the months - I propose to choose the most deepest and darkest radials radiate from the IPB to the iris limbus as a recurrent  time of traumatic / miscarriages events - 353', 37' & 20' (320'- 1st month - 280'- 2nd month....) - 7.5 days - 353', 8 months + for 37' & 20'   Note : This is base on my own assumption and practice)

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