Saturday, February 04, 2012

An Indentation of the Collarette with Major Ray / Radial Furrow at 190' - Multidimensional Approach

Lx,Male,27, Birth : 24-3-85

An indentation / introflection of the collarette co-sign with minor ray adjacent to the edge of the IPB - 190' suggests :
a) Classical topography relate to stress in rectum and anus. Autoimmune tendency.
b) Embryological relate to peyer's patches, immunological condition, fear of losing control.
c) Psycho-emotional relates to poor adaptability, not letting go, resistance to change.
d) Emotional Dynamics of the collarette concerns with partnership problem and fear.
e) Immune Cell & PNEI relate to Mast Cells.
f) Theoretical Iridology- DHS- Ciliary zone - Conflict of loss, kideny stress is highlighted.
g) Love Iridology - 12 Steps in Love - Step 6 (introflection) concerns with :
- Love that has to feed on certainty
- To be nourished by the fruits of your love
( Dr. Daniele Lo Rito, How We Love And How We Desire To Be Loved, 2010)

h) Spiritual Iridology - 12 Spiritual Sectors-  Spiritual Sector 1A ( radial furrow/ minor ray)
1) Values of the 1A Sector :
- Lesson to learn : Competition, Ambition & Devotion & Sacrifice
- Quality : Pure of heart, In search of Spiritual identity
2) Man's Evolution Through The 12 Levels - Level of 3 ( indentation/introflection of the collarette)
- Tend to be introverted, intense experience on trauma condition.
- The Spiritual sense, development of the sense and time required by the sense.
( Dr. Daniele Lo Rito, Spiritual iridology, 2001)
i) Time Risk Evaluation.
- Traumatic, stress or shock  event will be happening at 28.
- Adverse reaction to vaccines.

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