Friday, February 10, 2012

Hypertrophy & Multiple Indentation of the Collarette - (yun)



Rx- Iris :
a) Embryological signs at 60' & 310' - Rx signify blood sugar imbalance and liver disturbances.
b) Crypts at 146' & 329' (mistaken written as 229')classical indicates to stress in uterus, possible uterus cyst and breathing related problem.
c) Multiple indentation of the collarette at 96', 164', 205' & 230' indicates :
- Time Risk signs, observe the sharp indented of the collarette at 164' toward to the edge of the IPB amplify  the impact of the stressors upon the client.
- Psycho-emotional relates to suppression of anger, unresolved emotional issue of depression.
- Suffering a profound loss , bereavement.
- Adverse reaction on vaccination.
- Multi levels of  interpretation  via applying Multidimensional iridology :
   1) The Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette
   2) The Cells & PNEI
   3) Love Iridology
- Classical approach relates to
   1) Compromise of MALT/ GALT
   2) Appendicitis - indentation at 205'
   3) Thyroid dysfunction, hypothyroidism - Indented collarette with closed lacuna at 96'
   4) Cervix stress - indented collarette at 164'
   5) Gall bladder disturbances - indented at 230' ( corresponded to embryological sign at 229')
d) General hypertrophy / hyperplastic of the collarette - Rx & Lx :
  1) Rheumatoid Arthritis
  2) Dybiosis
 3) Congestion of intestinal lymph nodes
 4) Compromise of intestinal immunity and MALT
5) Disruption of neuroendocrine immunological system.
( John Andrews, Immunology & Iridology )

a) Embryological sign at 10' (defect marking/tiny crypt) & 145'(suggest internal lacuna) relates to pituitary stress and kidneys insufficiency.
b) Crypt attached on the border of the collarette - 275' suggest a thyroid sign.
c) An indentation of the collarette with radial furrows - 193'
    1) Cervix disturbances
   2) Refer to Rx-(c) interpretation.

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