Sunday, February 19, 2012

Distended, Hyperplastic, Linear Collarette, Classical & Embryological Signs - (oet) - Part 2


a) Distended collarette relates to parternal DNA dominance, tendency to bloating, flatulence and poor assimilation of nutrients.
b) Sectional hypertrophy of the linear collarette at 270' to 300' adjacent to the heart reflexive zone and 75' to 97' indicates blood sugar imbalance and hyperinsulinaemia tendency.
c) Embrylogical signs (crypts) at the inner pupillary zone -60', 205', 220', 230' & 265' suggests blood sugar imbalance, duodenum and urinary bladder disturbances and lung stress.
d) Crypts attached on the border of the collarette, classical sign at 130' and 168' relates to pancreas dysfunction and kidney insufficiency.
e) An indentation of the collarette at 180' suggests hypothalamus stress, adrenal fatigue, adverse reaction of vassicination, psycho-emotional of feeling of fear, and Time Risk sign.

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