Thursday, February 02, 2012

Deviations In The Frontal Neuroendocrine Inner Pupillary Border Structure - Frontal Hypertrophy & Introflession of the IPB Structure, Localised Absence IPB & Elephant Sign- Part 1


a) Frontal hypertrophy and introflession of the IPB structure which  adjacent and inclined to the pupil. IPB diameter is above the thickness of 280 microns. The hypertrophy of the IPB indicates possibility of :
- Overactivity of the physical and emotional bodies.
- Allergies and autoimmune tendencies possible conditions of  Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hypothyroidism, Skin disorder - Vitiligo, Systemic Lupus and Diabetes.
- Sleep disorder due to immune dysfunction.
- Splenomegaly ( Splenic Enlargement)
-  Hypoglycaemia, tonsillitis and insomnia tendency.
- Prolactinoma tendency.
(John Andrews, Iris & Pupillary Signs, 3rd Edition)
b) Localised / Sectional absence of the IPB at 110' to 130' suggest Space Risk & IPB Spinal evaluation
- Space Risk 16, 17, 18 & 19 is considered and concerns with Kidneys deficiency, skin diseases, intestinal dysbiosis tendencies.
- Potential neuromuscular tension in the spinal of Lumbar Vetebrae.
c) Suggest Elephant sign in the ventral section of the IPB. More clearly of this importance sign is highlighted in Part 2.
d) Tiny crypt or defect marking located  on the border of the pupillary zone / collarette - 90' classical  sign relate to thyroid dysfunction, hypothyroidism tendency.
e) Possible stairstep lacuna located inside the collarette - 275' embryological sign concern with breast related problem.
f) Crpyts attached of the outside border of the collarette - 185' suggests adrenal fatigue and kidneys stress.
g) An indentation  of the collarette co-sign with melanin pigment in 240' indicates :
- Classical view in pancreas dysfunction, blood sugar imbalance, hypoglycaemia tendency and liver stress.
- Time Risk / potential traumatic event at the age of 20.
- Unresolved deep seated emotional issue of betrayal.
- Immune Cell & PNEI concern with Alveolar Macrophages.
- The DHY-Theoretical Iridology analysis - Ciliary Zone (melanin pigment-240') indicates :
   1) Conflict of not being able to recognise the limit of the territory
  2) Stress in urinary bladder is highlighted.

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