Thursday, January 12, 2012

Space Risk,Spinal IPB, Time Risk, Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette, Embryological & Classical - Multidimensional Analysis


An importance modern and multidimensional iridology consideration of this Haematogenic B1 with sub-type of Neurogenic Constitution -
a) Extroflession of the IPB at 30' suggest Space Risk 4 concerns with ears and nose problems.
b) Embrylogical and classical signs at 65', 98'(classical), 165' (classical) & 217' relates with blood sugar imbalances, thyroid insufficiency, cervix stress and duodenum disturbances.
c) Local indented collarette at 200' relates to stress in appendix, ovarian stress (embryological), Time Risk evaluation and emotionally concern with sexual expression problem.

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