Sunday, January 22, 2012

Multidimensional View of the Collarette - Bridge, Indented, Linear & Absence of the Collarette


The importance and dynamics of the collarette in multidimensional approach
a) Frontal U-shaped Collarette in between 355'~10' concern with psychoneuroimmunological consideration.
b) Collarette bridge formation at the frontal of the collarette at 355'~30' suggest possible tendencies :
- Progesterone deficiency
- Blood sugar imbalance
- Autoimmunity
- Sensitivity to stress
- Time Risk marking at the mid-point of the bridge degree - 10' (not 15') , possible traumatic event happened at the age of 58.
c) An indentation of the collarette , find the most nearest to the edge of the IPB - 88' & 260' , 152' and 132' which manifests the Physical, Time Risk & Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette evaluation.
- Localised indented of the collarette adjacent to the IPB at 88' represent  a possible traumatic or stress occurred at age of 45, physical related with heart problem and emotional level concern with family issue of  authority, depression, bereavement and suffering a profound loss. Embryological relate to thyroid deficiency.
- Two indented point at 132' & 152' suggests sigmoid colon disturbances and emotional issue of betrayal.
- Local hypertrophy with indented collarette formed at 260' possible of thyroid dysfunction and  potential physical stress in ileum. Emotionally concern with issue of  sadness. Consider the traumatic event at 17. The client might experiencing suppression of anger and resentment.
- Immune Cell & PNEI evaluation.
d) Linear collarette formation at 190'~245' indicates :
- Dysglycaemia, insulin resistance and hyperprolactinaemia tendencies.
- Immune Cell, PNEI & Collarette analysis : possible concerns with Kupffer Cells & Alveolar Macrophages.
e) Sectional absence of the collarette at 273'~325' suggests :
- Malabsorption tendency.
- Observe the adjacent topographical areas : potential stress in the endocrine glands - thyroid and pancreas. Cardiovascular stress is highlighted.
- Citric acid cycle disturbances with mitochondropathy, according to John Andrews.
- Time Risk point at the degree of 299' traumatic stress at the age of 10, possible time of desperation, emotional with stressful experience.
f) Closed lacuna attached on the external border of the collarette with an indentation formation in 132' carry a genetic impact to Spleen, immunological imbalance. Please take note the lacuna does not contribute to determine the spleen deficiency, but the indentation of the collarette at the spleen reflexive zone does ! 
g) Observe the progression of Time Risk / traumatic events potential happened at that individual path life - 10, 17, 45 & 58 - most critical degree in  260' & 88' - age of 45 & 58 !
Despite the above thorough analysis, a caring with love, compassion and be patient listening to your client is vital.

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