Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Multidimensional Approach

Observe the various structural signs located from inner pupillary zone, collarette border, ciliary zone to limbus manifests multidimensional consideration as Modern Iridologist.

a)Crypts or small closed lacunae located inside the collarette or inner pupillary zone, suggests embryological analysis.
b)Minor ray co-sign with closed lacuna at ciliary zone amplify the genetic weakness on the topographical area.
c)Major ray/ Radial Furrow emanating from the edge of IPB, cutting through the botder of the collarette to ciliary zone, suggests analyse the classical , embryological and emotional dynamics of the collarette.
d) Contraction furrow terminate or break co-sign with radial furrow enhanced the condition of the affected areas.
e)Linear collarette - Progesterone Collarette.

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