Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Localised Absence of IPB, Pupil Flatness, Indented Lacuna co-sign with Melanin Pigments, Hypertrophy with Bridged & Linear Collarette

Critical Multidimensional Areas


- Polyglandular Constitution - Genetic Weaknesses originates in the endocrine system.
- Modern & Multidimensional Iriddology Concept - "Inside-Outside" : Pupil Dynamics - IPB Static & Dynamics - Inner Pupillary Zone - Humoral Zone - Ciliary to Limbus zones.
- An indentation of the Lacunae accompanied with Melanin Pigments.
- Observe the dynamics of the collarette - Hypertrophic, Distended, Linear & Multiple Bridged formation.
a) Local absence of the IPB at 280' indicates :
- Space Risk 11 indicate tendency to gall bladder deficiency.
- Spinal neuromuscular tension at Thoracic Vertebrae.
b) Medial Nasal Flatness at 250'~275' indicates :
- Tendency to breathing difficulties, thyroid gland imbalance.
- Muscular tension at C6-C7 and throughout thoracic vertebrae from T1 to T7. ( refer local absence of the IPB -280')
c) Hypertrophic, Distended, Linear with Multiple Bridges Collarette indicates :
- Gastrointestinal disturbances, congestion of intestinal lymph nodes and compromise of immune system.
- Tendency to bloating and flatulence.
- Progesterone - Prolactin imbalance tendency.
- Blood sugar imbalance & Dysglycaemia tendency.
- The Collarette, Immune Cell & PNEI evaluation.
d) An indented lacuna co-sign with brown pigment at 255' and at 160' suggests thymus disturbances, immunological imbalance and pelvis stress. Emotionally concerns with sadness and vulnerability, consider Time Risk evaluation.
e) An indented lacunae at 138', 225' & 305', normal closed lacuna at 123' and closed lacuna at inner pupillary zone at 65' & 85' suggests Classical, embryological, Time Risk & Emotional Dynamics of  the Collarette consideration :
- Embryological signs at 65' & 85' indicates spleen deficiency and thyroid imbalance tendency.
- Indented Pancreas signs at 138', 225', 305' and closed lacuna at 123' indicates pancreas dysfunction, blood sugar imbalance, unresolved emotional issues of betrayal and bitterness. Critical Time Risk at 18~19.
d) The most critical multidimensional view  to be considered : Local absence of the IPB - The Medial Nasal Flatness accompanied with an indented lacuna co-sign with brown pigment.

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