Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Physical & Emotional Dynamics of the IPB Formations - Linear, Detached, Whitened, Pearl, Localised Hypertrophy/ Solitary Nuerolappen Sign- Part 1


a) Linear with sectoral detachment leaving gap in between the edge of the IPB and the pupil itself at the lateral temporal section of the depigmented IPB, according to John Andrews it indicates :
- Rigidity of physical movement due to a hyperacid inner milieu.
- Inflexibility of the emotional expression.
- The client had an accident 20 years ago, since them had difficulty in walking and possible could had an injury of the spine.
- Poor circulation and hypotension tendency.
- Motivational problem and anxiety triggered by stress.
b) Localised hypertrophy / Solitary Neurolappen of the IPB at 300' suggest Space Risk 8 concerns with acute and chronic tracheitis, whooping cough. Psycho-emotional concerns with depression, unexpressed anger and insomnia problems.
c) Suggest Pearl sign of the IPB suggest a family tendency history of intestinal polyposis, dysbiosis and inflammatory of bowel condition. An uneasy relationship with one's mother or prominent female figure.
d) Whitened or hypopigmentation of the IPB tissues indicates premature ageing, oxidative stress, osteoarthritis and tendency to bone fractures.
e) Embryological sign at the inner pupillary zone suggest hypothalamus stress.
f) Linear collarette formation at the medial nasal section - 80'~110' indicates :
- Hyperinsulinaemia and blood sugar imbalance tendency
- The Immune Cell & PNEI Analysis  - suggest concern with Thymus T-Cells
g) An indentation of the collarette 190' & 258' manifests Classical, Time Risk &  Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette evaluation.
- Gastrointestinal disturbances, stress in adrenal and heart, adrenal fatigue and cardiovascular risk.
- Psycho-emotional concerns with partnership problem and  unresolved of sadness issues.
h) Embryological sign/ internal closed lacuna at the inner pupillary zone- 290' suggest stress in larynx and pharynx relates to ENT disorder problems.
i) Closed lacuna attached on the border of the collarette at 280' relate to cardiac problem, potential of heart disease. Observe the corneal arcus at limbus

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