Monday, January 23, 2012

IPB, Embryological & Classical - Thyroid Sign

a) Sqaured IPB relates to thyroid dysfunction, a genetic history of hypothyroidism, concerns with verbal expression and conflict with father figure, according to John Andrews.
b) U Shaped IPB.
c) Crypts attached on the border of the collarette at 87', classsical view relate to thyroid dysfunction.
d) Crypts located inside the border of the collarette at 282', embryological sign of thyroid imbalance.
e) Closed lacuna at 235' relate to blood sugar condition.
f) Internal lacuna at 30'-Lx embrylogical relate to heart condition.
g) Tiny defect marking located on the border of the collarette - 265' - Lx , concerns with thyroid imbalance tendency.

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