Thursday, January 19, 2012

Radial Furrows, Hyperlastic, Linear, Absence & Indented Collarette - Multidimensional View


a) Suggest Comma sign IPB indicate rheumatism, weak connective tissue tendencies.
b) Numerous Radii Solaris / Minor Radials in the cerebral areas- 330'(not 302') ,355',10' & 21' indicates cerebral weakness :
- Headaches, poor concentration, restriction in hormonal  and blood circulation.
- Vertigo, memory loss and epilepsy tendency
- Frontal radial furrows with 3 or 4 major or minor rays is relate to personal early infancy experience, embryological emotional experience of emotional epigenetic inheritance dominance by father figure, according to John Andrews.
- Double deep radial furrows at 302' & 355' suggest a family history of hypertension.
- Time Risk signs at 355', 130' & 299' - radiate from the indented border of  the collarette / ray in deepest level.
- Observe the perpendicular rays in 130' & 299' indicates blood sugar imbalance, pancreas dysfunction.
c) Localised with sectoral absence of the collarette at 30' & 58' and 295' & 320' :
- Time Risk marking
- Relate to absorption problem
- Observe the adjacent of the organs - 30' & 58' : Pancreas ; 295' & 320' : Pancreas - High tendency to have blood sugar imbalance.
d) An indentation of the collarette at 130' & 248'.
- Time Risk evaluation, a potential traumatic events at the age of 18.5 & 38.
- Emotionally concerns with harmony issues in the family, intuition and possible with unresolved issue of betrayal.
- Embryological relates to blood sugar imbalance at 130' ( indented collarette with radial furrow)
e) Linear collarette at 90' to 122' concern with hyperinsulinaemia, blood sugar imbalance tendencies.

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