Saturday, December 10, 2011

Space Risk, Embryological, Emotional Dynamics & Time Risk - (ogh-1)

Rx-iris, Male, 29

a) Space Risk 285 & 323 relates to lung deficiency, asthmatic, bronchitis and tonsillitis accompanied with the Classical signs at 50' and embrylogical stairstep lacuna at 255'  enhanced the problem of tonsillitis and bronchitis.
b) Indentation of the collarette approaching the edge of the IPB at 145' & 215' accompanied with the bridge formation manifesting the significance emotional stress at Embryological, Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette & Time Risk consideration. It indicates stress in duodenum, dysglycemia tendency, issues of betrayal, experiencing of violence, traumatic event possible at the age of  24 & 36.
c) Take note the embryological signs at 270', 285', 295' & 320' suggests breast problem, thyroid dysfunction, stress in laryrnx and liver deficiency tendencies.

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