Friday, December 30, 2011

IPB Morphologies, Classical & Embryological Analysis - Blood Sugar Imbalance (amr)


a) W sign.
b) Elephant sign.
c) Rectangular sign
d) Leaf lacuna located at the classical topographical area of 72' and closed lacuna at 260' suggest blood sugar imbalance, pancreas dysfunction.
e) Closed lacunae attached on the border of the collarette at 90', 200'& 245' indicates a potential of thyroid dysfunction, appendix stress and potential of cardiovascular risk. 
f) This pterygium (red arrow indication) growth may remain small to interfere with vision. A pterygium can often develop from a pinguecula.


a) W IPB sign.
b) Crypt located inside the pupillary zone at 0' embryological sign of hypothalamus stress.
c) Embryological signs at 56' & 300' with classical sign at 126' suggests blood sugar imbalance, pancreas dysfunction, hypoglycemia tendency.
d) Double Pancreatic lacuna at the classical pancreas topographical area - 290', potential of genetic tendency to pancreatic cysts.
e) Linear collarette at the inferior temporal area. Dysglycaemia, Hyperinsulinaemia tendencies.

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