Sunday, December 11, 2011

Distended, Hypertrophy, Frontal Indentation, Ventral Protrusion, Inferior Temporal Linear, Localised Absence & Multiple Bridges of the Collarette- (osl-1)

 1) Distended collarette indicating an embryological and emotional inheritance from the paternal genetics or  masculine figure and the emotional imbalance is ready to be expressed and resolved.
2) Distended with multibridged & hypertrophy of the collarette refer as " Progesterone Collarette" according to John Andrews.

( Photo Source : The Institute for Creation Research )

a) Frontal linear with an indentation of the collarette relate to depression.
b) Local absence of the collarette at 355'~ 20' & 59' ~ 78' indicate malabsorption, consider the organs adjacent to the local absence areas, Time Risk consideration.
c) Ventral Distension / Protrusion to the iris limbus indicates haemorrhoids, varicose veins ans sciatica tendencies.
d) Linear collarette at 220' ~ 285' temporal section indicate dysglycemia tendency.
e) Multiple bridge formation enhanced the genetic tendency of hypoglycemia.

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