Sunday, December 04, 2011

Hypertrophy & Deviations in the Neuroendocrine Frontal IPB Structure - Multiple IPB Structure in the Frontal IPB- (tcl-1)

Rx-iris, Male, 47

Please identify the IPB morphologies and then correlate with the structural signs which located at the inner pupillary and ciliary zone. Example, the Squared IPB(d & f) relate to thyroid dysfunction, genetic family history of hyperthyroidism that correlate with the embryological sign at 280' and classical sign at 90' ! Take note the frontal and ventral collarette structure - a & b ? what does this indicate to a client ? What other embryological signs such as 57' & 122' correlate with the ventral section of the collarette - b  ? The relationship of Butterfly IPB (a) with melanin pigment  topostabile at 240' and cornea arcus formation in the iris limbus..........much more to explore !

1) Deviation in the Frontal IPB Structure  ( Multiple & Hyperthrophic of the frontal IPB Structure ) :
a) Suggest Butterfly IPB
b Globular Sign
c) Omega Sign
d) Squared Sign
e) U shaped
f) Hyperthrophy with squared shaped IPB

2) Frontal indentation of the collarette - a and Linear collarette - b.

3) Melanin pigment topostabile located at 240' liver zone accompanied with thicker cornea arcus at limbus.

4) An indentation of the collarette by radial furrows at 20', 165' & 340' suggest Time Risk & Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette evaluation.

For Lx, I leave it for you to analyse.....

1) IPB Analysis...
2) Linear Collarette...
3) Bridge Collarette...
4) Indentation of the wreath at 285'... 


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