Sunday, November 06, 2011

Oval Shaped Pupil, Hypothalamus Stress, Indented Heart Lacuna & Der Torweg Sign

(Rx-Photo used permission by Susan Laing)

Preliminary Assessment :
1) Oval shaped pupil - tend to Vertical Ellipse.
2) Atrophy of the IPB structure.
3) Extended collarette
4) Funnel Sign at the inferior temporal section.

1) Crypt located at 0' hypothalamus stress.
2) Closed lacuna attached to the collarette at 90'- Thyroid dysfunction - hypo/hyperthyroidism.
3) Bladder deficiency at 144'
4) Closed lacuna at 275' suggest heart problem.

Funnel sign / Der Torweg indicate a tendency to weakness in the abdominal muscle, possible hiatus hernia, poor vitamin and mineral absorption. (John Andrews)

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