Sunday, November 06, 2011

Polyglandular Type, Ferrum Chromatosis, Stress Axis, Embryological Signs, Double Lacunae, Local Indented & Absence of the Collarette

(Rx-photo used permission by Susan Laing)

Preliminary Assessment :
1) Polyglandular type.
2) Central Heterochromia with brown colour.
3) Ferrum Chromatosis.
4) Distended, Thickened, Zig-Zag, Bridge, Local Absence & Indented Collarette.
5) Double Lacunae attached on the border of the collarette.
6) Closed lacunae at the inner pupillary zone.
7) Melanin pigment located at the cerebral area.
8) Contraction Furrows.

1) Minor ray / Radial Furrow located at 0' with closed lacuna at 180' indicates hypothalamus, pituitary stress and adrenal fatigue - The Stress Axis formation.
2) Indentation of the collarette at 70', Time Risk & Emtional Dynamics of the Collarette evaluation.
3) Internal closed lacunae at the inner pupillary zone - 106' & 120'suggest embryological analysis.
4) Double lacunae attached on the border of the collarette / humoral zone - 180', 235' & 270' indicates tendency and genetic history to benign  adenoma and cystic development
- defciciency of the adrenal and polycystic kidneys - 180'
- Pancreas & gall bladder - 235'
- Heart stress, cardiosvsacular risk at 270'
5) Local absence of the collarette at 160' attention to the adjacent of the topographiscal areas - renal disturbances. Time Risk & Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette analysis.
6) Melanin pigment at the cerebral area of 335'.

Local absence of collarette at 160' and melanin pigment co-sign with closed lacuna at 150' -tendency to renal deficiency and prostate disturbances. In addtion, the Time Risk & Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette evaluation for the local absence of the collarette as well !

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