Friday, November 04, 2011

The Multidimensional Approach of the Collarette

(Lx-Photo used permission by Dr. Bryan Massey)

Preliminary Assessment :
1) Mixed Biliary Iris Constitution.
2) Central Heterochromia pigmented with yellowish-light brown colour showing kidneys and liver deficiency.
3) Contraction Furrows circulating around the ciliary zone
4) Scurf Rim around the iris limbus possible skin disorder.
5) Cornea Arcus at the cerebral area - Fronatl Arcus, poor circulation in cerebral areas.
6) Hypothraphic of the IPB structure.
7) Multiple lacunae and crypts located inside the pupillary zone and the border of the collarette.
8) Distended Collarette with various bridge formation around the collarette.

1) Embryological analysis relates to hypothalamus and pituitary stress, liver stress, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, spleen and thyroid disturbances, nose problem and blood sugar imbalance.
2) Time Risk at 40' structured by major ray / radial furrows, indented collarette at 100' and penetrated lacuna at 322'.
3) Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette analysis indicates of stress in limbic system, issues of forgiveness, family problems relate to mother or feminine figures, and survival issues in emotional aspects.
4) Classical relates to descending colon disturbances with poor digestion system and heart stress at 292'.
5) Melanin pigment co-sign with internal lacuna at 115'embryological relate to nose problem and classical relate to severe blood sugar imbalance and liver stress involvement by genetic brown pigment.

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