Friday, November 04, 2011

Mixed Biliary Iris Constitution

(Lx-Photo Used Permission By Dr.Bryan Massey)

Preliminary assessment :
- Biliary Iris Constitution -
> mixed with blue, grey, green or brown iris fibre layers.
> tendency to disturbances in liver and gall bladder functions.
> tendency to intestinal immune deficiency.
- Ferrum Chromatosis sub-type - indicate liver stress, poor iron absorption, anaemia or jaundice tendency.
- Radial Furrows at the cerebral reflex areas - relate to cerebral weakness, restrictions in blood circulation.
- Contraction Furrows circulating around the ciliary zone - neuromascular tension with immunological involvement.
- Scurf Rim at the edge of the iris or limbus - relates to skin disorder, lymphatic stagnation, hypertension and polyarthritis tendency.
- Various melanin pigments with different sizes topolabile located at the ciliary zone, generally liver stress involvement.

1) Various melanin/brown pigments topolabile located in between the ciliary zone, generally indicates liver and gall bladder insufficiency. The location, size, shape and density of the pigment have to be considered -
a) The smallest melanin pigment intercept with radii solaris at 108' in the lung reflexive zone, possible relate to chronic level of lung stress, tendency to have asthmatic problem. Another small size brown pigment located at 155' relates to testical and ovarian disturbances.
b) Two melanin pigments located at 170' & 195' co-signs with radial furrows shows of reactive and significant problem in kidneys system.
c) The other two melanin pigments with high density colour locate at 260' and 280' indicating bronchitis problem possible in chronic or degenerative condition.
Based on examine the above variation of pigments, the pigment located at 260' with high density and small shaped which represent the most significant value of information impact on the patient health problem - severe bronchitis or TB tendency.

2) Minor rays intercepting with radial furrows at the cerebral areas of 24' & 353' indicates hypothalamus and cerebellum stress.

Observe the closed lacuna attached on the outside border of the collarette at 145' structurally co-sign with radial furrows and the small pigment at 155' in the reflexive areas of ovary and testes, the combination of these 3 genetic signs significantly indicates ovarian cysts or testicular disturbances possible in chronic condition...

Pinguecula located at the sclera area conjunction with punctate and melanin pigments indicates poor fat metabolism and iron settlements, fatty liver stress with high lipid accumulation.

Presentation of the melanin pigments intercepting with contraction furrows showing significant impact on the reflexive areas.

Radial furrows crossing by contraction furrows in the cerebral areas......covered with punctate pigments

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