Tuesday, November 15, 2011

IPB Morphologies - Triangle & Squared IPB Correlation with Embryological Signs

 An illustration of  the combination  relationships of IPB, Embryological and Classical signs  represent a significance impact on the findings. 

a) Observe the Triangle sign at the frontal of the IPB combined with embryological sign at 310' and moderate level of cornea arcus at iris limbus indicates gastrointestinal disturbances, tendency to have gastric ulcer and liver degeneration. Crypts at the inner pupillary zone - 310' illustrate liver stress, fatty liver and poor fat metabolism combined with cholesterol ring !
b) Squared IPB at the frontal of the IPB structure combined with closed lacuna at 75' indicates thyroid disturbances, a genetic history of hypothyroidism.
b2) Bridge formation at the frontal of the collarette combined with defect marking located in the inner pupillary zone at 235' embryologically showing pancreas dysfunction, blood sugar imbalance.

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