Wednesday, November 30, 2011

IPB Morphologies, Space Risk, The Stress Axis, Embryological, Solitary Melanin Pigment , Frontal Indentation with Cat's Ears Collarette- (bok-2)

Identify the correlations of structural signs on the above iris presentation :

a) The Stress Axis - 0' & 180' - Hypothalamus+Pituitary+Adrenal signs
b) IPB M Sign with embryological signs at 60' & 300' - Pancreas dysfunction, blood sugar imbalance, dysglycemia tendency.
c) An Indentation of the collarette - (e) accompanied with embryological and classical signs at 35' & 290' - Cardiovascular risk
d) HPA Axis with Frontal Indentation of the Collarette - Psychosomatic imbalance sign for depression, self-isolated, migraine and headaches problems. Please take note the frontal indentation of the collarette accompanied with the indented collarette at the adrenal area can be considered as post-natal depression.
e) Frontal Cat's Ear Collarette - 35' & 326' - Genetic predisposition to :
- Insomnia
- Depression 
- Stress & Anxiety
f) Space Risk 5 at 37' with radial furrow 30' & leaf lacuna at 290' - relates to lung stress, breathing or bronchitis problem.
g) Melanin pigment at Kidney reflex area with embryological sign at 140'~145'  indicate kidney deficiency.

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