Saturday, November 05, 2011

Ferrum Chromatosis & Pratical Prioritize of the Iris Pigments

(Lx-Photo used permission by Dr.Janes Smolnik)

Preliminary Accessment :
1) Central Heterochromia with brown colour.
2) Ferrum Chromatosis / Punctate Pigments.
3) Contraction Furrows - Consider the break or terminate topographical areas
4) Melanin Pigments - Structure, Size, Density & Location

a) Radial Furrows at the cerebral areas.
b) Punctate Pigments located at the cerebral areas.
c) Contraction furrows terminate or break in the frontal / cerebral areas.

which melanin pigment that to be set priority for consideration ?
a) By Location - Inner Pupillary Zone > Border Collarette > Ciliary Zone
b) By Density / Smallest size...
c) By Structure....

Melanin pigment located close and attached to the border of the IPB and extend to the pupillary zone signifying an important sign for Multidimensional evaluation.... at 175'
a) Space Risk Anaysis ! - Hemorrhoids, Sigmoid diverticulosis
b) Embryological Analysis ! - Tendency to have breast problem

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