Monday, October 31, 2011

Sclerology & Foot Glyphology Analysis- (jah)


a) The stress line covered the nerve fray and motor skill reflexive areas.
b) Tracer line from pineal zone crossing to thyroid reflex quadrant indicate glandular fatigue.

a) Stomach stress line.
b) & b1) Signifying gastrointestinal disturbances relates digestive enzyme deficiency (b2 & c)
d) Liver stress..  

a) Lymphatic congestion with the congestion loop (a1) indicative of bio-energetic impingement and interference of circulation, the stress line approach to the edge of the iris (a2) indicate chronic condition. 

a) Glandular stress - Tracer line from pineal to thyroid reflex zone - thyroid deficiency.
b) Stress line relate to cervical vertebrae.


a) & b) Nerve fray and pituitary stress.

a) Stress line relate to prostate deficiency.
b) Spleen deficiency with lymphatic congestion

a) Spleen stress line.

a) Thyroid stress line.
b) Cervical spinal stress line.

Major focus stress or " Star Mark " stress line indicate possible with infections and parasite involvement in pancreas and liver reflexive areas. Digestive enzyme deficiency and liver stress tendency. Please refer to Scelra-Rx - stress lines in ventral section/quadrant...

a) Stomach stress line.
b) Pancreas stress line with infections.
c) Star - Mark at small intestine, possible parasite or fungus infection..

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